Live, Online Advanced Reliability and Lubrication – 1 Day Team Session


These are deep dive sessions and are designed for a team (up to 25) of practitioners and professionals of lubrication products and services that have been through initial training and have a few years experience. These sessions are designed to provide participants a greater understanding of the lubrication products and services.


 Live, Online Advanced Reliability and Lubrication – 1 Day Team Session

Advanced Lubrication Session – 8 Hours Total

  • Advanced Reliability Strategies and Failure Mitigation for Lubricated Systems – an examination of failure modes and best practices for exceptional reliability in lubricated systems.
  • Advanced Lubricant Chemistry – starting with base oils to additives, the chemistry and responsiveness is explored with emphasis on performance and continuation with further examination into specific product applications.
  • Advanced Oil Analysis Data Management – application test packages specific to various industrial, heavy equipment, and over the road applications are explored. Specific details are examined for wear, contamination, and oil condition for data interpretation and alarm setting.